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Le informazioni disponibili nel sito sono state redatte da Controlfida sulla base dell'informativa disponibile al pubblico, dei dati sviluppati internamente e di altre fonti ritenute affidabili. Tali informazioni possono subire cambiamenti senza preavviso. Abbiamo vagliato con ragionevole attenzione l'accuratezza della documentazione e la correttezza ed affidabilità delle informazioni riportate. Controlfida non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile di qualsivoglia modifica ai documenti apportata da parti terze.

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In caso di dubbi in merito all’opportunità di un investimento in un comparto, si consiglia di consultare un avvocato, un fiscalista o altro consulente finanziario di fiducia. Si consiglia inoltre di informarsi in merito ai vantaggi ed ai rischi di tale investimento.

Prodotti e servizi visualizzati sul sito Controlfida potrebbero non essere idonei alla vendita o disponibili per i residenti di alcuni paesi o per talune categorie di investitori. Si prega di consultare i termini e le condizioni applicabili, quali le restrizioni di vendita. Le informazioni e il materiale presentati in questo sito sono forniti a solo scopo informativo e non devono essere usati o considerati come un'offerta o una sollecitazione o un invito ad acquistare o vendere quote di fondi o di qualsiasi altro prodotto d'investimento o servizio e non vi sarà alcuna vendita di azioni in qualsiasi giurisdizione in cui l'offerta, la sottoscrizione o la vendita sarebbero illegali.

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Si ricorda che le informazioni presenti non prendono in considerazione la tassazione o la pianificazione successoria del destinatario o di qualsivoglia investitore e non implicano una partecipazione ad alcuna strategia d’investimento in qualsiasi giurisdizione.

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In nessun caso, ivi incluse situazioni in cui sia riscontrabile negligenza, Controlfida potrà essere ritenuta responsabile dei danni che potrebbero derivare da informazioni contenute nel presente sito o derivanti da un errato uso del sito o di sue parti, di suoi contenuti o comunque causati da qualsivoglia scelta di investimento adottata dagli investitori sulla base delle informazioni disponibili nel sito.

By accessing this website (www.controlfida.com) and its pages and contents, the user declares to have read, understood and accepted the following conditions and the corresponding legal notices.

The information provided in the website is produced by Controlfida, on the base of information available for the public, on figures worked out internally and on other sources believed to be reliable. This information may be subject to change without notice. We explored with reasonable care the accuracy of the documentation and of the information supplied. Under no circumstances and under no theory of any applicable law and/or regulation shall Controlfida be liable to anyone for any change made in the documents by third parties.

Any document available on the website should not be considered as an investment advice or an offer of placement or sale.
The products and services may not be available or suitable for the needs of any customer. The decision to invest in the funds described on this document should only be taken after careful consideration of the last prospectus and legal information therein contained. The prospectus can be downloaded from this website or obtained, free of charge, from the Administrator or at the registered office of the company or, where appropriate, by the representative of the fund.

If you are in any doubt as to whether or not an investment in the Fund is suitable for you, you should consult a lawyer, an accountant or other financial advisor. You should be informed about the advantages and risks related to such an investment.

Products and services displayed on the Controlfida website may not be eligible for sale or available to the residents of all countries or all categories of investors. Please refer to the terms and conditions applicable, in particular to the restrictions on sale. The information and the documents showed in this website are provided to you for information purposes only and are not to be used or considered as an offer or a solicitation or invitation to buy or sell shares of the Funds or any other investment product or service and no sale of shares will take place in any jurisdiction in which offer, subscription or sale would be unlawful.

The content of this website is not intended to supply tax, legal or investment advice, it cannot be used for accounting purposes or tax matters, it is not intended to be an offer or solicitation for purchase or sale of any financial instruments of Controlfida nor it is to be considered as a whatsoever confirmation that any of these products are appropriate or suitable for any investor or for the recipient. We remind you that this information is not taking into account the comprehensive tax or estate planning situation of the recipient or of any investor and does not mean any participation to a whatsoever investment strategy in any relevant jurisdiction.

Past performance may not be a reliable indication of future performances.

Under no circumstances and under no theory of any applicable law and/or regulation shall Controlfida be liable to anyone for any damages arising from misleading interpretation of this website, its parts or its contents or otherwise caused by any investment decision taken by the investors based on the information available on this website.






Controlfida (SUISSE) SA

Piazza della Riscossa, 16
CH-6906 Lugano

Phone: +41 (0)91 9701011
Fax: +41 (0)91 9701206
E-mail: suisse@controlfida.com
Web: www.controlfida.com

GIIN Nr.: LJ5F3X.99999.SL.756
LEI Nr.: 549300KQE0BRB99JXH75

Authorized and regulated by the Swiss Financial
Market Supervisor Authority (FINMA).
Member of the Swiss Association of Asset
Managers (SAAM).

Bridge Fund Management Limited

Percy Exchange, 8/34 Percy Place
Dublin 4, D04 P5K3

E-mail: tateam@mjhudson.com
Web: www.bridgefundmanagement.mjhudson.com

LEI Nr. 635400RUG44T8XVKWX28

FundRock Switzerland SA

Route de Cité-Ouest 2, 1196  Gland, Switzerland

Phone: +41 (0)22 3542530

E-mail: FRS-Team@fundrock.ch
Web: www.fundrock.com

Paying Agent:
NPB New Private Bank Ltd.
Limmatquai 1/am Bellevue
CH-8022 Zürich

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